About Me

I don't talk that much! ∞™

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Issue 2 Reflection

My strength was making the layout for page 5 and my weakness was getting along with my partner and not doing my stories well.

I kind of finished my story but it wasn't that good. One of it was okay. I did good on the layout because my partner and I, even though we fought a lot we still did a pretty good job and we were the first one to finish doing the layouts. We wasted a lot of paper but it all worked out because it was to make more corrections so that it didn't make the reporter look bad by having a lot of mistakes.

I think the things that i can do better on are not procrastinating and get my sources faster so that i can get my stories done faster. Also, if I talk less, I think I would be able to get my work done faster.


  1. lol, figures you'd point out that we were first to finish. AND its not our fault ms likes her pens, which was why we kept printin out cleaner copies. ;D

  2. LIAR!!!!! LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!!! u and i both know ur not gonna talk less. That is all goodbye.

  3. U still talk a lot.. and get ur drafts done already! i keep reminding u!

  4. haha, that's funny. like, we're in class right now and you're talking. hahahahahaha. anyways, it seems like everyone has trouble with procrastination. that's one of my weaknesses too.

